FINDING MAC OR PC files on a network is a lot easier with ON Location for Networks, a cross-platform, LAN version of the single-user file finder ON Location, from ON Technologies (800-767-6683 or 617-374-1400). Using indexes created by the ON Location for Networks Server Indexer software ($999), users can search for documents stored on Mac OS, NetWare, or Windows NT file servers. The Viewer Client software ($49 per Mac OS or Windows client) supports Boolean, word-proximity, and fuzzy-logic searches. A separate Indexer Client application ($99) lets users create indexes of their own hard disks, for searching by other users on their network. PhoneNET PC users looking for a way to preserve Mac-to-PC connectivity as they migrate to Windows 95 won't find it in a new version of the file- and printer-sharing software. Farallon (510-814-5000) has decided not to develop a Windows 95 version of PhoneNET PC; instead it's offering current users an $89 upgrade to CoOperative Printing Solutions' COPSTalk for Windows 1.2f. COPSTalk gives users of Windows 3.1, Windows 95, and Windows for Workgroups access to shared Mac volumes and provides Chooser-like access to AppleTalk printers.